When: Wednesday, 9 December from 16:00 to 17:00

Where: Online! Register here to get the link and password.

What: Challenges and new trends in pre-registration - by Johannes Algermissen (Donders Institute)

Have you maybe downloaded one of the OSF templates for pre-registration, started filling it in, and noticed that it does not work for you? Because you have already analyzed bits of your data? Because you cannot predict certain analysis steps in advance? Or because you have too many hypotheses? Is it still worth pre-registering at all? In this event, Johannes will first give a general introduction into pre-registration and then cover its most recent developments, including secondary analysis of data, pre-registration with many hypotheses, and the use of theoretical constraints. There will also be time for questions & answers.

Johannes is a PhD student at the Donders Institute and involved in the development of new pre-registration templates.

See you there! :wave: :sparkles:

The slides to the event can be found here.